About us

Varga Software Consulting Inc. was founded by Robert Varga in  2001 in Tampa, USA.
It was the time of big international ERP roll-outs and based on his vast expertise in how to build and implement ERP systems Robert earned his reputation of a highly recognized ERP advisor and project manager.

Most significant projects were the implementation at Spicers in Germany, the re-engineering of SAP at Knorr-Bremse in their production plant in Budapest and the international roll-out of ERP at the Kramp Group (based in the Netherlands), the biggest whole sale company in Europe for technical parts in agriculture.

The rapidly growing need for web applications and BI solutions has led to the establishment of software development.
Since 2010 VSC Inc. has been delivering web based applications for sales, purchase and product management.

In order to help to fulfil the requirements of her customers VSC Inc. has established partnerships with highly skilled software development companies resulting in premium IT solutions like sophisticated identity management, single sign-on in a huge multi access environment with millions of users and different systems for telco and insurance (please see under “PROJECTS”).


Testimonial Kramp Group